Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sox & Boots

Mary was like a pre-schooler wearing her boots all around the house last night, even laying on the couch with them to watch t.v. LOL. It was so funny because she seriously was like a child, I've seen kids at the boys' schools wearing their snow boots or rain boots in the middle of the summer. We finally had to hide C1 and C2's since they were always trying to wear them too.

In other news, the Sox kicked a**!!!! I finally went to bed at 11 - I know it's not late to most people but for me, it's almost 2 hours past my bedtime. The 5th inning was just never going to end and is much as I liked seeing the Sox blugeon the Rockies, I figured we definitely had it in the bag at that point.

I'm also enjoying a World Series that the Red Sox are in without BEER. If I'm not pregnant, I'm going to kill someone. LOL.

Oh well, the kids are off to their visit soon and we're off to the dreaded meeting. Here's some foliage pics' from our jaunt yesterday - photos don't seem to capture the beauty but they're still fun.

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Happy said...

I couldn't believe how much I missed drinking during the 2ww. I've been enjoying myself since the 20th when I had the test.

Good luck w/the grandmother meeting!!

Happy said...

OH! The foliage (hee hee) is beautiful!!