Monday, October 22, 2007

IUI & Trigger

My millionth post of the day...

So I had my IUI and then the dr. recommended a trigger shot of HcG. She also saw 2 pretty good size follicles during the ultrasound - she said there's a chance of twins but it's unlikely. Obviously, I'll be happy with one!!!

When she did the IUI, she was able to make a slide of the sperm. She said they were awesome swimmers with 80% motility (that's really good). Kind of gross but there was some blood from my cervix (since the sample had come from the catheter) and she said they were attacking the red blood cells. Hopefully they attack the egg(s)!!!

I went in for my trigger at about 1:00. For anybody thinking of one (Trace) it cost about $65 - I had to pick it up at a pharmacy and then it was 2 shots in the bum. If it's given in the arm, I guess they do 4 shots so that's why they do it in the bum. That sounds weird. LOL.

I always thought they were done before the IUI so that seems kind of odd but who knows, I have to remind myself I'm not a fertility doctor - even though I totally should be. LOL.

I'm trying to not get my hopes up TOO much though. I promise myself not to obsess over names and due dates. Yeah right!

After my shots, I decided to take a drive to visit Mary. I was already on the other side of town so I was closer to the University. It was like 80 degrees today. So I got a smoothie and she got a coffee and we sat out in the grass. So crazy to have weather like this at the end of October. I can't complain though.

I've also decided to bulk up on more vitamins since I needed more prenatals anyways and I've heard this DHA stuff is great to take during pregnancy. Though kind of dum - I bought a DHA pregnancy supplement and then Omega 3 fish oil supplements - turns out it's like the same thing. Now I'm totally confused on what to take and when.

Well, I'm off to enjoy my evening since I put the kids in bed early and Mary's at her mentor training. I can watch E! News and Little People, Big World. *Mary hates both of these* ha!


Happy said...

I often post more than once in a day. It makes me feel like I don't have a life...not true just a boring boring job. Only 65.00? Since we have to pay all of this ourselves that is pretty reasonable. We do have a large adoption fund so I was able to dip into it for the sperm bill. BTW, private domestic adoption is pricey and if this works it will end up being FAR less expensive than the adoption agency fees.

It sounds like your doctor paid more attention to you this time. Great! I'll be sending those good vibes your way!!

It was a beautiful day here too. I've was taking prenatal vitamins and mega doses of folic acid for the 3 weeks before the first IUI. I decided I was being too optimistic and will restart when it is closer to IUI #2.

As of right now #2 is not even 34 and no period. Ok, I stopped at the drug store on the way home and told Sweetness that I still didn't get my period (like he cares, he was just happy it wasn't there for the wedding/thong night). The first thing he asked was if I took a test. I guess I'll do it tomorrow morning. I considered stress, but I'm not really stressed.

Did the meditation help? I went to yoga, semi-embarrassing, but I survived.

I have totally rambled...what kind of commenter am I? A rambly one.

Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of you over these next two weeks! Fingers (and toes) crossed!!!!