Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Random Thoughts

For the most part, being pregnant just sucks and I'm in such a weird stage. I can't wear my normal clothes but then prego clothes are too big for me. My hormones are out of control so one minute I'm sweet and nice Candice then the next minute I'm don't talk to me Candice. This could all be cured with a glass of wine which I CAN'T have. And let's not even talk about the weird pains going on in my belly and heartburn.

Tomorrow, C1's adoptive family is going to come to the house to pick him up but not until 5:00. I feel bad but after they drive about 3.5 hours, I'm basically going to show them the house and send them on their way. I thought we should just meet them half way since we are already going south but they wanted to see where C1 lives.

We are heading to Boston after they leave so I'd like to get there before midnight. We'll stay the night and then Thursday (which is my birthday) we'll look at some faculty housing that we're considering and then we fly to D.C. It's going to be crazy but then again, what in our lives isn't crazy right now? We used to have such a peaceful life.

I ordered some children's books about adoption for C2. I thought it would help us explain things to him. Unfortunately, all the books talk about babies and getting adopted as a baby. I mean, if I could find a book about lesbians adopting a 3 year old it would be perfect but I don't think that's going to happen. I would however like to find something that talks about adopting older children (not babies) even if it is to heterosexual couples. C2 was so funny, I was explaining that he was going to stay with my mom (who he absolutely loves) while Mary and I go on a trip for a few days. He said, "I am going to be sad about you guys". He's such a little muffin and he knows how to work it because then I was like, I'm going to get you a prize while we're on our trip. LOL.


Lannette said...

It sounds like the adoption process - for both boys - is starting to fall into place.

Have a wonderful, safe trip.


Candice said...

wow - even spam on blogs. pretty low "jason".