Monday, August 27, 2007

One Weekend Down

The weekend is over. This is almost a relief for me since the weekend usually involves a lot of work and I'm presently overwhelmed. We did have fun for the most part but as usual we have been doing a lot of work on the outside of the house esp with the arrival of the dirt pile.

I was thrilled this morning when M's biz trip was cancelled. She was supposed to be going to Canada this afternoon 'til Wed night. Besides, having to take care of the boys on my own (which is a difficult thing for any 1 person), I'm having a medical test done on Wed and it was suggested to have someone to drive me home. Ummm, yeah, the only person I know in this area is M. So I am relieved since I was already having anxiety about it anyways.

Well, I am off to go for a bike ride since the weather is absolutely beautiful today and I am sans wifey and children for the afternoon :-)

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